END Stumptown

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END (Environmentally Neutral Design) is a new brand with a new target audience. Aimed at the value-minded runner who expects quality for their cash, the Stumptown delivers. The 10 oz. is the most performance-oriented of three versions of the shoe, and it also features the most shoe for the money. The upper is minimal, with well-placed synthetic overlays, and a pared back design to eliminate unneeded materials and their associated waste. A high-friction toe cap protects on the trail while the lower profile is perfect for nimble trail running. The midsole is single- density EVA topped by an additional layer of EVA in the Strobel board for good cushioning and a responsive ride. A forefoot protection plate adds a little foot armor without hindering flexibility, and the outersole tread provides excellent traction.

Price: $75 Sizes: Men7–12,13; Women5–11 Weight: 10.9oz. (men’s11); 8.9oz. (women’s8) For: medium- to high-arched feet with neutral biomechanics