Knowledgeable consumers are aware that adidas has a penchant for making simple, cushioned shoes which work well. Enter the Ozone, in the natural world it is three ionized oxygen atoms which make up a protective layer of the atmosphere; in the adidas running line, it is a well cushioned, durable, and economical performance running shoe. The key take away is there are just enough features to get the job done without raising the price to an unreasonable level. Visually the Ozone will remind you of more fashion conscious brands, but don’t despair of a loss in performance. The fit is a bit more tailored than with past adidas shoes, but the ride will be very familiar. The most important thing to remember is that the Ozone is an effective layer of protection between you and the road.

Price: $75
Sizes: Men 6.5-12,13,14,15; Women 5-11,12
Weight: Men 10.6 oz.(size 9); Women 9.3 oz.(size 7)
Upper: Mesh/synthetic overlays, reflective highlights.
Midsole: Lightstrike EVA, adiPRENE, adiPRENE+
Shank: Torsion
Outersole: Carbon rubber
Shape: Curved
Construction: Slip lasted
Strength: Cushioning
Weakness: No significant weaknesses for recommended users
Recommended for: High to medium arched feet with neutral biomechanics