Amphipod has a collection of running accessories for use every day that you run. The 360˚ FULL-VIZ hat is one of those items that hangs on a hook by the door and gets pulled into use on almost every run. Keeps the rain off, the sun out of your eyes, and doesn’t ask for anything in return, kind of the perfect relationship. Available in three colors, black, pink, and hi-viz (which you may know as construction vest yellow) two of them are guaranteed to be hard to miss, and they also feature reflective visibility, whether from headlights or sunlight. Adjustability in a snap, the rear velcro strap is another reflective surface. The hat is vented and water resistant, and the durability and construction are top notch.
Available in run specialty stores across North America, check out their store finder:

Sizes: Adjustable, one size fits most
Construction: durable, well fitted, running cap
Recommended for: hat wearing runners